20 TUESDAY MORNING. Los Angeles Daily Times. FEBRUARY 16, I. Myer Siegel: Co 617-619 South Broadway Smartest Sweaters for Spring Wear Lovely lightweight garments for immediate wear, featuring the smart student prince and neck, pull -over styles, also the popular golf coat effects, fashioned of soft zephyr and rayon combinations. Colors: -Brittany Blue, Jonquil, Fern Green, shades of pink and the ever popular all white.
All sizes to choose from at $5- SPORTS WEAR -FIRST FLOOR EN VOGUE OMPANY BROADWAY AT EIGHTH A Chiffon Hose That We Can Guarantee Lauses. 65 All Sizes All Colors Box of PURE SILK CHIFFON HOSE Three Pair Slipper Heel Square Heel $4.75 MY Choosing the Boy's Strap Watch These good looking cushion shaped Elgin strap watches are sturdily cased in solid nickel cases. Here is a watch which will render accurate time under strenuous boyish wear. Our Price is $15.00 Overcoat days make the man's strap watch even more appreciated. Our showing consists of the finest watches of this country and Europe.
Hamiltons, from $55.00 to Walthams from $30.00 upwards, Elgins from $25.00 upwards, Gruens from $30.00. The finest European makes may be had at very modest prices, while some are priced as high as $250.00. Seamane Co. PLATINUM, SILVERSMITHS 743 South Broadway 1894 STANLEY ANDERSON 2612 W. 7th St.
(near Rampart) At a most opportune time we have received over 100 (one hundred) new Sports Coats, actual values up to $150.00, which will be placed on sale Wednesday, Feb. 17th, to Feb. 20th, at one price 50 Judge Makes Erroneous Prediction Regarding Lawyer "About one clean shirt is all thought he would ever wear. He had fallen away to a mere shadow; was as vellow as saffron and often doubled up with pain. Doctors continually gave him morphine and were about to operate for gall stones.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy quickly restored him to, perfect health again." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach. liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. At all druggists, VITAL RECORD STARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses were lasued yes: terday, Name and age, atren. APODACA BROWN.
Leonard C. Apodaca, 91; Marguerite Lorene Brown. 18. BAIN BALTENSBERGER. Joseph Edward Bain, 84: Stepbante Georgina, Baltensberger, 90.
BARNES NAMARA. George Scott Barnes, 33; Marie Samara. 95. Philip M. Blanchette, 33 Margaret Bonham, 33.
A James Edward Biankeeship, 24: Mirtie Leona Bassett, 10, BOYD MAY. James Frank Boyd, 26; Dorothy Edna May, 19, BUCHER BAILER. John Bucher, 28: Maria Seller, 23. BUCK RICHARDSON, Leo Loren Buck, 29; Anna M. Richardson, 33.
BUSTILLOS-AGUILAR. Ramon Chavez Bustillos, 10; Mary Guillermina Aguilar, 16, CALVO CARRENO. Leonardo Calro, 26; Lux 20. CLEMENT BANGLE. Cyril 1.
Clement, 221 Dorris Ta Bangle, 21. CLIFFORD Edward N. Clifford, 30; Ethel G. Dawson. 28.
COHEN- NEEDLEMAN. Leo Cohen, 23; Goldie Neodleman, 23, CONSALVI KOTHE. Joseph A. Consalvl, 35: Nevada E. Kothe, 28.
COOPER- ALEXANDER. Charles IS. Cooper, 20; Tyre Lee Alexander, 21. DARNALL- -SUMMERS. Thomas Mitchell Darnail, 41; Nona Mau Summer, 37, DAVIES BROWN.
Walter Davies, 33; Mary Margaret Brown, 27. DAVIN MORGAN. Edward Wright Davis, 38: Catherine Leekle Morgan, 38 DECKARD- MINEA. Hobart H. Deckard, 29; A.
Gladys Mines, 30. DEMOZZI DORN. Joseph Demozat, 41; Mary Florence Dorn. 31. DOWNEY HARTMAN.
Jesse J. Downey, 36; Jessie Hartman, 35, DUFFY KAYE. Bruce R. Duffy, 21; Anna D. Kaye, 21, EARLEY-HAYES.
William H. Earley, 23; Maion P. Hayes, 20. FARMER- -OSTENDORF. Sylvester Manderville Farmer, 24: Elizabeth Mary Ostendorf, 24, FOULGER-MAFS.
Herbert J. Poulger. 50: Belle MatH, 43. GESCHEWSKY-HAYES. Fredrich Wilhelm Geschewsky, 40; Katherine Mary Hayes, 31.
GIBBENS SUNDERMAN. Floyd Gibbens, 20; Margaret Sunderman, 19. -HAUPTMANN. Joseph Ambrose Gilligan, 22: Clara Evan Hauptmann, 18. GUERRERO-TELLES.
Frank Guerrero, 19; Enriqueta Telles, 16, GUNNISON HOTALING. Hugh Gunnison, 29; Lorice Katharine Hotaling. 25. HALBRORR--VAN BERG. Dantel Halbrohr, 51; Mattie Van Berg, 40.
HOHNSTROM BERGQUIST, Albin Bernhard Hohnstrom, 43; Emma Tokla Walentino Bergquist, 29. Yosususabro Hoshl36; Rika Hasegawa, 22. HUCKABEE FRANK. Jack Vance Huckabee, 33; Lillian B. Frank, 35, -PEARNE.
John H. Keber, 23; Anna E. Pearne, 19. LAIRD- -ENGLISH. Clarence L.
Laird, 60; Elizabeth: English, 63. LIVINGSTONE FAHIEN, Robert James Livingstone, 28 Helen Verna Fahten. 22. MANNING- BARKEY. Casper Manning.
67: Ida R. Barkey, -HOWELL Charles E. Marquette, 18: Una F. Howell, 18. MARSH--HART.
Edgar S. Marsh, 44; Alice G. Hart. 44. ADKINS.
Winston Lee McDaniel, 22 Villas J. Adkins, 23. McGOWAN- DE FRAINE. Robert McGowan, 39; May De Fraine, 38. McNEILL GRAHAM.
Hector McNeill, 32: Jane Adelaide Graham, 19. MILLER FREER. Frederick Miller, 29; Anna Mary Freer, 29. NEWMAN-DOLAN. Silas Martin Newman, 37; Anne E.
Dolan, 35. NICHOLSON- -ROGERS. Gust Nicholson, 25; MIdred C. Rogers, 21. ODELL WETTER.
William Teller Odell, 24; Louise M. Wetter. 20. O'NEAL- BUNCH. Dwain O'Neal, 21; Bonnie Bunch, 21, PAULI-SAVAGE.
Albert J. Pauli, 38: Myrie Savage, 34. PETERS- WESTON. Hans Johannes Peters. 36; Theresa Maude Weston.
35. PURSELL- SPENCE. George Whitworth Pursell, 54: Lida Elizabeth Spence, REEL- -BLANCHETTE. Frank C. Reel, 34; Marie J.
Blanchette, 26. RICKETTS WHIBLY. John D. 27; Alice Whibly, 28. RODENBERGER-WYATT.
Meredith L. Rodenberger, 20; S. Marie Wyatt, 24. BUSH- -HARTMANN. John W.
Rush, 46; Alberta Hartmann, 29. RUSSELL DUNLAP. James M. Russell, 31; Hallie Dunlap, 22. RUSSELL-JAMISON.
Richard Carlyle Russell, 21 Jefferine Jamison, 19. SERRANO FIGUEROA. Reynaldo S. Serrano. 27: Francisca Figueroa, 29.
STANLET-ROUSSEAU. Ronald Lee Stanley, 31; Gladys Rousseau, 25. STEVENSON -HEINDMAN. Clarence W. son.
33: Rubie P. Heindman. 19. TOMPKINS BOLENDER. Felter S.
Tompkins, 37: Mante L. Bolender. 26. TOOHEY--HERON. Daniel Michael Toohey, 34; Mary Heron, 24.
TREMBLAY--McCANN. Lewis Eugene Tremblay, 38: Agnes H. McCann, 28. ULLAR DONATI. Louis Ullar, 26; Marchetta Donati, 22.
WARREN BROWNING. William B. Warren, 68: Emma H. Browning, 53. WEISMAN ELLENSON.
John Weisman, 21; Betty Ellenson, 19. WESTON PULLING. Edward J. Weston, 25; Georgina L. Pulling, 22.
WILKERSO! Willis Allen Wilkerson. 27: Cleo Preston. 29. WILLIAMS KINGSTON. Percy Josephus Williams.
Kingston, 27. WORSLEY ROACHE. Fred J. Worsley, 21: MoZelle Roache, 18. ZUBLIN- SHAPIRO.
Ernest W. Zublin, 28; Eugenia Shapiro, 22. BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth. BORSCHELL. Mr.
and Mrs. Edson. Daughter. 2068 West Fifty- second street. February 10.
CHRISTIAN, Mr. and Mrs. George. Daughter. Maternity Cottage.
February 12. CHURNOW. Mr. and Mrs. David.
Boy. Sylvan Lodge Hospital. February COBBS. Mr. and Mra.
Peter. Boy. Dunbar Hospital. February 11. CORNICE.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Daughter. Good Samaritan Hospital.
February 11. EVERETT. Mr. and Mrs. Harry.
Boy. 3626 Trinity street. February 12. GRIMES. Mr.
and Mrs. Walter. Boy. Southwest Maternity Cottage. February IRWIN.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Daughter. 740 Twenty-fifth street.
February 4. JOHNSON. Mr. and Mrs. George.
Boy. SouthMaternity Cottage. February 8. LANFORD. Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph. Boy. Sylvan Lodge Hospital. February 1.
McCALEB. Mr. and Mrs. William. Boy.
Sylvan Lodge Hospital. January 20. PALMER. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl. Boy. 2931 Fourth avenue. February 10. TRIPP.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene. Daughter. Southwest Maternity Home.
February 11. DIVORCE SUITS FILED ASTITON. Madge M. against Isaac Samuel. BRUIN.
Sadie J. against Patrick C. CAMPEAU. Estella against Frank. COREY.
Marguerite V. against Frank. F. COTTON. Hazel Green against Claude G.
DECKARD. Lucile against Daniel. DUFFY. Hazel M. against Thomas M.
HARE. Birdie M. against Robert. HORTON. Cleo against Edward E.
JOHNSON. Alta against Rubert H. KRAMPE. Rose Marie against Milton Pauley, LANHAM. Reba L.
against. Frank Stewart, MORGAN. Louise against Thomas Eugene. MORTENSON, Katherine A. against Mainard G.
NEAL. Howard J. against Elizabeth 8. PETERS. Henrietta, against Robert M.
PULVER. Laura. B. against Veeder H. REVIER.
Dorothy against Harry. RUDOLPH. Alexander against Mabelle G. RUSSELL. Helen against Edmund.
SCOTT. Ruth against Dan. SELGRATH. Donald L. against Emma G.
STANDER. Viola against Erwin A STONE. Beulah 7. against Harry SWANSON. Peter E.
against Ella WELL. Eunice G. againat Harry Lot WHEELER. Edith K. against Lester Charlee.
WYATT. Ernestine Nelley against Harry Lewis. DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED ADAMS. 1da May from Silas 1. ADAMS.
Lottie P. from Cleveland C. ALLAN. Berntece from Fred Jr. BAUGHAN.
Alice from BOYCE. Clara K. from John Hazel D. from William M. COMBS.
Olga Constance from Theodore Frank. CONNOR. Mabel M. from Arthur B. DANIEL.
Alvin Andrew from Sophia. DICKINSON. Louise from Arthur. DOXEY. Dorothy from William.
ERDMAN, Fred William from Grace Willia. FERRATOLE. Florence from Luca. FOREMAN. Rose from Harry.
FOURS. Clara from William GAITHER. Annabell from Le Roy. GEORGE. Marjorie from Stanley F.
GRELOK. Herbert from Miriam. GRIBBEN. Bertha from Joseph. HARRIS.
Anna A. from Irvin 8, HARRIS. Magnolia Er from Charles J. HAYS. Jack from Gladys.
HEINZ. Florence from Charles. HELBERG. Arthur William from Eva. HOLLIDAY.
Elizabeth C. from George It. HOLZWARTH. Ella A. from Erie 0.
HUNTER. Sarah Louise from Clarence M. JANSEN. Hermenson from Hermina. JONES.
Myrtle R. from Charles KANE. James J. from Catherine I. LEWIS.
Herbert O. from Julia. LOVE. Jennie Ellen from William H. LUDINGTON.
Marie from Stanley J. MADONIA. Katherine from Frank. MAROTZ. Edna Smith from Chancy J.
MASTERS. Ermal A. from John MITCHELL. Anita Blanche from Atein W. OBERSCHELP.
Laura A. from Walter O'CONNOR. Nellle May from Richard. PEARSON, Ella M. from Ambrose M.
RUDOLPH. Beulah from Louts. RUSSELL Anna M. from Albert 15. SCOTT.
Dorothy Lucille from Hubert G. SEATON. W. J. from Dora E.
SELBY. Maude A. from Lloyd W. SMITH. Velma D.
from Ernest 14 SPENCER. Erma R. from James Poina, SPENCER. Ray from Frank. STRADLEY.
Lillian from Fred Clark. UNGER. Ivan W. from Georgia J. WALIATH.
Bonita R. from George L. WEINSTEIN. Zena from Marcos. WHITE.
Lou Amanda from J. A. WHITE. Mao R. from Murry C.
OFFICIAL. DEATH LIST Name place of death- A ze. Date. BAIRD. John.
Los Angeles, 18 Feb, BRID, Matthew, Los. Angeles. BROWNE. Gertrude. 7 Angeles, Feb CASON.
Caswell, Los Angeles. CLARE, Alice. Lon Angeles DARROW. Hattle. Los Angeles.
Feb. DODD, Harsh. Los Angeles. Pel, EKLUND, Charles. Los Angeles.
Feb, EVANS, George, Angeles. FRANKLIN, William. Los Angeles. Feb, FRYE. Lon Angeles, L'eb, GREENLER, Mary.
Los Fab, GRIFFIN, Patrick, Los Angeles HOCKNELL, Franc, Los Angeles Feh, HORGAN. Georgia. Los Feb. JOHNSON, Andrew. Angeles.
Feb, LEE. William. Los Angeles. Feb. LEHMAN.
Fred. Los Angeles. Feb. LEVY. Babette.
Los LEWIS, Lora. Angeles. Feb. LEWIS. Susan.
Los Angeles, LICHTY. Luke, Los Angeles. LINSLEY. Clarence. Los Angeles, LOTTRIDGE.
Marion. Los Angeles, Feb. MARTIN. George, Lon Angeles Feb Me Robert. Los Feb.
MeMILLEN, Margaret. Los Angeles. 55 Feb. MEIGHORNER, Catherine. Los AnRelen 50 Feb.
MILLER. Oren. Los Angeles. Feb. 13 MCENCH.
Henry. Los Angeles. 31. Feb. 12 NEELY.
Edwin. Los 65 Feb. 13 CONNOR. Alfred. Los Feb.
O'MALLEY, William. Los Feb. PARR. Margaret. Los Angeles.
Feb, PENNINGTON. Hilda. Lon Angeles. Feb. PETERSON, Henry, Los Angeles.
L'eb. PULVER, John. Low Angeles. Feb. 13 ROBERTSON, Frank.
Los 47 Feb, 13 TAPPAN, Florence, Feb VINING. Raymonil. Los Angeles. Feb. WILLIAMS, Frederick.
Los Angeles. V'eb. 14 WILLIAMS. Haskell. Los 10 Feb.
13 WOLFF. Edwin. Los Angeles. 55 Leb. WOOD, Margaret.
Las Angeles. 80. Feb: 1 13 DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. ACUNA. Marion Acuna.
Funeral today, 11 a.m., from chapel of Gus Alvarez Moore. AHRENS. Carl F. Ahrens, aged 45 rears, beloved husband of Mrs. Myrtle V.
Ahrens and father of Dorothy, Richard and Beulah Ahrens of 119 West Fifty- fourth street. Los Angeles. Funeral services Wednesday, February 17, at p.m., from the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Cemetery. W. Brown, funeral director.
AULT, Services for Cyrus F. Ault, late of 1734 West Fifty -Afth street, will be held today at p.th. from the Ruppo Mortuary, 842 South Figueroa street: BAADE. William beloved husband. of Dorothy Rande and father of Kussell Baade, died suddents at his home, 5417 Monroe street, F'ebruary 13.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, February 18, at 2:30 p.m.. from the chapel of Gates, Crane Earl. 1724 North' Highland avenue, Hollywood. (Chicago papers please copy.) BOLIN. At 272 South Avenue 55, Bessio Bolin, beloved wife of Vincent Bolin.
Remains at Crosse's. Notice of funeral later. BOURNE. At Alhambra, February 15, 1026, Anya M. 13.
Bourne, agerl 72 years, native of Balti more. Md. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from bra. chapel Interment, Turner, Stevena Philadelphia, Pa. Turner, Alham- I of CHUTE.
William H. Chute, Remains at the parlors of W. A. Brown. Notice of funeral later.
CLASS. Of 151 West street. Samuel. beloved husband of Bertha Class. Funeral today, 2 p.m., from Inglewood Park Cemetery chapel.
Gus Alvarez Moore, directors, CLEVENGER. Late of Ashland, Elizaboth 0. Clevenger. Funeral from the chapel in Inglewood Park Cemetery, Thursday at 2 p.in. Peck Chase Co.
directors. COLEMAN. At 3420 Plata street, Mrs. Maria Louisa Coleman, aged 66 years, member Cotumbia Circle, No. 24.
G.A.R., beloved mother of J. C. Coleman and William M. Ellison of this city. Funeral services today at 3 p.m.
from the funeral parlors of W. A. Brown, 1335 South Flower street. DANDO, At 1138 McKenzie. Farnum Carter Dando, beloved brother Mrs.
George Young of Rathdrum, Idaho, and John W. and Janies E. Dando of Seattle, and Frank Dando of Wenatchee, Wash. Funeral services at Cresse's, Wednesday, 3 D. IT.
DAY. February 15, Margaret Day, aged 45 years. Funeral at Bresee Brothers' chapel, 855 Figueroa, Tuesday, 1 clock. DEAN. The funeral services of Mrs.
Dolly Pearl Dean will be held today at 2 p.m. from the funeral parlors of W. A. Brown, 1335 South Flower street. DE FORE.
At South Vermont avenue, Charles It. De Fore, aged 19 years. belosed husband of Nellie N. De Fore, loving son of Mrs. Mary A.
De Fore, and brother of Mrs. Fannie Cross of Boone, Iowa, Funeral today at 2 p.m. from chapel of 1C. Clair Overholtzer Co, 1236 South Grand. DENNIS, February 15.
at her home, 4915 Second avenue. Anna Bond Dennis, aged 62 years, beloved mother of Leon, George, Jack, Will and Earl Dennis. Services will be held this evening at o'clock in Garrett Brothers' chapel, 1287 South Flower street. Interment, Mexia, Tex, DUNN. At 1024 Beucon, street, Garrett Dunn.
Remains at parlors of E. Clair Overholtzer, 1236 South Grand. DUNN. At 3461 Second avenue, William M. Dunn, aged 82 years, beloved husband of Mrs.
Ordean Dunn. Funeral services today at 1 p.m. from the funeral parlors of W. A. Brown, 1335 South Flower street.
FARRELL. Jolm A. Farrell. aged 38 sears. Remains at The White Company.
664 West Washington street. Interment, Albany, N. Y. FOWLER. Mary A.
Fowler, aged 65 years, loving sister of William L. Mountjoy. Remains at the parlors of 1. F. Utter, 1954 South Broadway.
Services And interment, Marion, Ind. (Marion, papers please copy.) FRANCIS. At Sierra Madre, John E. Francis, beloved husband of Argie G. Francis, loving son of Mrs.
Della Francis and father of Deborah and Ellsworth Francis: brother of George, Allen and Edna Francis. Funeral services will be held from the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Wednesday, February 17, at 2 p.m. Ivy H. Overholtzer, director, GARDNER. At his home.
3020 Witshire Bouleyard. February 12, L. Wellington Gardner, aged 72 sears, devoted husband of Mary E. Gardner, loving father of Mrs. Ella Fell.
Services from the residence. Wednesday, February 17, at 2 p.m. L. F. Utter, funeral director.
GOODWIN. At 5221 Pasadena avenue. Mra. Amanda T. Goodwin, aged 89 vears, beloved' mother of Mrs.
Howard L. Lunt. Funeral services Wednesday, February 21, at 10:30 a.m.. from residence, 5221 Pasadena avenue. W.
A. Brown, funeral director. GRAHAM. Of 1836 West Avenue 53, Susan Lorraine Graham. Funeral services at Cresse's, Thursday, 10 8.
m. HATHAWAY. Charles J. Hathaway, aged 53 years. beloved husband of Mra.
Alice M. Hathaway of 4222 La Salle avenue. this city: member of Petaluma, Lodge, No. 180, F. A.
Pelaluma, Cal. Funeral services Wednesday, February 17, at 3 p.m., from the funeral parlors of W. A. Brown, 1335 South Flower etreet. HILLYER.
At her residence, 1546 Diamond avenue, South Pasadena, February 13, 1926, FranCUS Vaughn Hillyer, aged 45. years. She In survived by two daughters, Mrs. Helen Hiliver Hanes and Mrs. Frances Hillyer Bornman of Detroit, one son.
Leon D. Hillyer, Point Richmond; sister, Mrs. J. Ronna. Pasa dena; two brothers, Arthur J.
Vaughn, Los Angeles, and Richard G. Vaughn, San Bernardino. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning from the Church of the Holy Name, South Pasadena. Interment, Mountain View Mausoleum, San Bernardipo, Cal. HOBBS.
February 14, Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mra. H. M. Hobbs, aged 11 years.
Funeral at Bresce chapel, 855 Figveroa, Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. HOCKETT. At 2722 East Fourth street. Vernal Harrington Hockett, aged 10 years, beloved sort of Mr. and Mrs.
Elden E. Hockett, brother of Genera Hockett. Funeral from Vesper Son's chapel, 1930 East First street, Wednesday, Febroary 17, at 2 p.m. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery, HOLLOWELL Of Alhambra, February 13. 1926.
John H. Hollowell. aged 61 years, native of North. Carotina, beloved husband of Viola Hollowell, father of Mrs. Jesse Ranker of hambra, Ernest Hollowell of 1.08 Angeles, and Emery D.
Hollowell of Pagosa Springs, Colo. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from chapel of Turner, Stevens Turner, Alhambra. Interment, Friends: Cemetery, Paradena. IBARRA. Mias Lueta A.
Ibarra, belored sister of Mra. Crus of San Antonio, Tex, Funeral services Wednesday, Febeyary 17, at 10 a.m.. from the funeral parlors of W. A. Brown, 1335 South Flower street.
JENSEN At 685 La Verne avenue, Belvedere Gardens, February 14. Bernhardine Jensen. wife of Andrew Jensen; member of the Church of Latter Day Saints fifty -three seats; mother of four daughters, tiro sons, and the grandmother of fourteen. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, February 16. at p.m..
from the chapel of It. C. Dellenbaugh 630 Venice Boulerard. JOHNSON. Andrew, beloved husband of Vendia Christine Johnson, father of Hildur, Leonard, Adina and Rudolph.
Funeral services today, February 16, at 1:30 p.m., at Las: Flores Chapel, 935. West Washinston street. Norquist Peterson, directors. JOHNSON. At 573 South Johnson, Boyle avenue.
75. February 15. Mrs. Eunice M. aged years.
Funeral from Hollenbeck chapel, Wednesday, February 17, at 10 a.m, Vesper Son, directors. JOHNSON. M. W. Johnson: Rentains at the parlors of W.
A. Browtt. Notlee of funeral later. JOHNSON. February 15, Nels August Johnson.
Remains at the parlors of W. A. Brown. Notice of funeral later. KALTENBACH.
Mary Kaltenbach, late of 1433 West Forty-frat Place, mother of Mrs. Frank Poole and J. Wardlow. Services will be held at Artesia Cemetery, Wednesday nt 2:30 p.m, under the direction of the Ruppo Mortuary, 642 South Figueros street. GOOPS! Daily La Lesson in Manners for Children -BY GELETT 1926: By The Chicago Tribune.1 DON'T SHIRK A little work, a little play, Will make you happy, every day.
But too much play, too little work, Will make you nothing but a shirk. Don't be a Goop! Do all your share, And you'll be happy everywhere. WHAT'S DOING TODAY Los Angeles Co-operative Club luncheon meeting, Biltmore, noon. Dr. Walter L.
Thornton will speak. Dickens Fellowship "Charles Dickens costume party, MacDowell Club. 462 North Western avenue, 8:15 p.m. Purchasing Agents' dinner meetIng. Alexandria.
6 p.m. Girls Corner Club program. Auditorium Building, Olive, 6 to 8 p.m. Community Chest election of directors, 388 Chamber of Commerce Building. 2 to 6 p.m.
Lecture on AS it Really Exists," Hollywood Masonic Temple, 6840 Hollywood Boulevard, evening. Josefa. Hoefinger, speaker. Wilshire Women's Club meeting. 631 South Manhattan Place.
10:30 a.m. Southwest Museum exhibit. Marmion Way and Avenue 46, afternoon. 1.08 Angeles Museum exhibit. Exposition Park.
10 a.m. to p.m. Free permanent California exhibit, scenic motion pictures, State Exposition Building, Exposition Park. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Illustrated lectures, scenic motion pictures. Chamber of Commerce, 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. State Societies Indiana State Society program and dance. Fraternal Brotherhood Hall.
845 South Figueroa, evening. Mrs. Elizabeth McManus will speak. Massachusetts State Society program and dance, Symphony Hall, evening. Motion Pictures Alhambra, 731 South "Dance Madness." Criterion.
Grand and No Man Has Loved." Figueroa. Figueroa and Santa Barbara- "His Jazz Forum, Pico at Windermere's Fan." Grauman's Egyptian, 6708 Hollywood "The Big Metropolitan. Parade." Sixth Grauman's and Hill- "The Song and Dance Grauman's Million Dollar, Third and Broadway- 'Don Grauman's Rialto, 812 South Broadway- That Royle Girl." Loew's State. Seventh, and Broadway Suppose." Tally's, 833 South Hot West Coast Boulevard, Washington and Vermont- Wheel." West Coast Uptown, Tenth and Western- A Woman of the World." Stage Biltmore. Fifth and Student Prince." Egan Theater.
Pico and FigueFOR Collars." Majestic, 845 South Broadway Sistere." Mason, South Gorilla." Mission Play, San Gabriel, afternoon. Morosco, 744 South Back-Slapper." Orange Grove, 730 South Grand -Desire Under, the Playhouse, South Figueroa The Love Call." Varieties Burbank, Sixth and Main--Lee Bud Harrison. Hillstreet, Eighth and HIllFlorrie Le Vere. Hippodrome, Main and FourthAnna Seymour. Pluck." Orpheum, Broadway, between Eighth and Ninth--Ruth Chatterton.
Pantages, Seventh and HillVaudeville. KEEPS RELICS OF MAXIMILIAN Mexican Surgeon Also Has Conquistador Trophies Titles Manufactured Back in Fifteenth Century Two Urns Were Gift of French Emperor Napoleon (EXCLUSIVE DISPATCHI SAN ANTONIO (Tex.) Feb. In the home of Dr. Urrutia, Burgcon, of Mexico and this city there are perhaps the only relics left by nfteenth-century "conquistadores" in this country, On the right of Dr. Urrutla's house, which is of a Moorish type, there stands a tile bench.
Cortez, conquerer of Mexico in the days of Montezuma. Aztec emperor, once walked upon the ancient blocks of glazed, hand -painted tile in that bench. Cortez built A "mighty" castle in Mexico- a castle that 1s only a ruin now, broken by storms and years. Dr. Urrutia obtained enough tile from the ruins to make the bench.
He says that some of the ancient painted blocks bore dates four centuries old--and the names of Spanish cities that were old and mouldy when Seville was young. Many of the blocks were made in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In room where the ceiling holds a gorgeous crystal chandelier that hung in the bedroom of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, there are two urns that tell a tragic story. They were the gift of Napoleon the Third of France to the self-styled one of the urns bears the inscription of royal chateau of the Napoleons. On the side other urn there is an enamel painting of Maximilian and his sweetheart Carlotta, who.
later became his wife. Cheruba on this urn are said to have been copied from the pictures' of Maximilian. When the empire of Mexico crashed and Maximilian the Emperor was no more the golden urns passed to strangers and at last were bought by Dr. Urrutia. Dr.
Urrutia has several ancient pictures in his home made in tile. glazed and burned like pottery and pieced together like Mosaic. Tile pictures seem to have been an ancient art of the monks. One of these relics came from the Franciscan convent in Mexico City. It bears the date 1701.
It is picture of a saint praying before a cross. Another tile picture harks back to an even more ancient period. It is a portrait of Montezuma, last Emperor of the Aztee nation. It has picture-writing on it. illustrating the story of the storming of the Aztec Capitol by the Span- lards.
AGED MINISTER RAPS CHURCH ORGANIZATION ASSERTS THAT SAVING OF SOULS SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED INSTEAD CABLE AND ASSOCIATED PRESS DALLAS (Tex.) Feb. minister 94 years of age "scolded" his younger brethren at the Dallas Methodist pastors' meeting. Rev. J. H.
Reynolds, aged Sherman (Tex.) evangelist, told the preachers that Methodism was emphasizing organization rather than the saving of souls. The aged preachor spoke as long as he could stand, declaring that he had a right to exhort the younger preachers because he had helped to make many of them what they are. Christ said, 'Go ve into the he didn't mean to go to Atlanta to general said Rev. Reynolds. He accused the preachers forgetting their chief aim of gospel preaching, and said ds almost sone from the service, Bad Homes Make Bad Girls Miss Stella A.
Miner, who has years been studying the problem, Girls Leave Home," says the fault is with the home principally, and incidentally with the parents who are entirely responsible for the character of the home. girl is not so much at fault as her parents. The mafority of the girls who come to us have come from what we call bad homes -homes where poverty, immorality, cruelty and misunderstanding predominate." BUSINESS BREVITIES The Times Branch ottice, 621 South Spring street. Advertisem*nta and 1 subscriptions taken. Telephone MEtropolitan 0700 THE WEATHER Loftielal LOCAL OFFICE.
E. 8. WEATHER BUREAU, Los Angeles, Peb, Reported by H. Hersey, Mezenrologist. 1 Al 5 ofelock a.m.
the barometer registered 80:014 at p.m., Thermometer for the corresponding hours showed 53 deg. and 00 dep. Relative bumidity. 5 a.m. 94 per cent; p.m., 78 per cent, Wind, 5 a.m., nast, velocity 12 miles; p.m., southwest.
velocity 8 roller, Temperatures, highest, 62 dez. lowest, 52 deg. Rainfall for season, 9.53- normal to date, 9.78 Inches; last season to date, 8.50 Inclies. Barom eter reduced to sea level. WEATHER -Feb.
18: Light. 10 moderately heavy rain or snow has fallen during the past twenty -four hours in the North Atlantic States and light rain hes occurred over the Pael fle Elope, with anew In the high Aterras and Wyoming, Colorado and Northern Arizona. Moderato temperature reported over the whole coun this morning. In Southern California clouds, unsettled weather prevailed yesterday and last niacht, with light showers at all stations from the sea to the mountain. to cloudy this morning.
and tight rain falling at many polite. Partly unsettled weather may be expected in this vicinity, probably followed by clearing weather. Tuesdas, Moderate temperature will continue. BUN, MOON AND Los Angeles, 16. Sun rises 0:87 a.m., sets 5:88 p.m.
Moon rises 0.31 sets 10.24 p.m. Los Angeles Harbor, Feb. 10. High tide. 12 noon; Low tides, 6:16 a.m: and 6:83 p.m.
LOCAL. TEMPERATURES. Feb. 154 Minimum and maximum temperatures from Routhern Califor n1a points, reported yesterday to the Los Angeles office of the U. 8.
Weather Bureau, were as Stationa Max. Min. Bonita Corona 60 Cajon 02 Imperial Angeles Harbor Mt. Wilson Newport Harbor Pasadena Porterville Redlan 58 Riverside San Bernardino Ran Fernando Hanta Ana 83 Santa Barbara 58 LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Unsettled weather, probably showers. followed by clearing: moderate temperature.
STATE FORECAST RAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. -Weather forecast: Ran Francisco and vicinity: Fair and cooler, fresh northwesterly winds. Northern California: Fair and cooler: fresh northwest winds Sacramento Valley: Generally fair and cooler, with local frosts at night: moderate northwest winds.
Han Jnaquin Valley: Fair over north and show ers In the south portion, followed by fair: gentle variable winds. Bouthern California: Rain. followed by fair: moderate westerly winds, fresh on the coast. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX (Aria.) Feb. 15 Forecast for Art zonal Generally fair in south and west, unsettled in northeast portion, Tuesday and Wednesday not much change in temperature.
TEMPERATURES Tempera Precip- Tune A Stations--Conditions, 5 p.m. Max. Min. tion. Abilene Clear 54 Boise -Cloudy 98 Boston- -Snowing 30 Buffalo -Cloudy 32 30 Chicago -Clear 24 18 Denver- Clear 46 Des.
Molnes- Clear 14 Dodge City- Clear 46 Paso Corelor Raining 48 Cloudy Fresno Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 64 Grand Junction Havre -Clear Helena Snowing 02 Huron- Clear Independence loops Partly cloudy Kansas Clear Knoxville- Cloudy 46 Lander Los Angeles- -Partly cloudy Memphis- Char Modena Raining Needles- Clouds New Orleans- Clear New York- Cloudy 46 North Head- Cloudy 48 Cloudy 46 Omaha Phoenix- Clear Pittsburgh Snowing Portland. Or -Raining 50 Rapid City- Partly cloudy 12 Ited Bluff Cloudy Roseburs-Partly cloudy 50 Boswell- Clear 50 36 8. Louis Clear 38 Minneapolis and St. Paul- Clear 14 a Sacramento Raining Salt Take City- Moudy 41 Han Diego- Cloudy 64 Han Francisco -Raining 50 Han buts Obiapo Cloudy 60 52 Fanta Fe -Partly cloudy Spokane -Raining 83 Tampa Clear 78 Tonopah- -Cloudy Tucson- Clear 68 Washington- Clear 34 -Raining Winnipeg -Cloudy Yuma Partly cloudy 74 48 Below zero, Teeth as Low as $5. Best Set $7 Best set, none better, no matter how much you pay, including your choice of base plate material, (metal excepted).
(Guaranteed 10 $7 MY EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Teeth as low as $5.00 Best set of teeth (either set) $7.00 Gold Crowns (22 karat). .84.00 Bridge Work (22 karat). 64,00 Porcelain Crowns Gold Fillings 1D Gold Inlays ...81.00 Porcelain. Up Silver Fillings .500 up Cement Fillings 11D Teeth Treated She Nerve Removed (Painless) $1.00 Teeth Extracted (Painless) 50c No charge for painless extraction and clean. Ina when other work is contracted for.
OLD GOLD IS VALUABLE. pay cash or allow you full value for It on dental work. NOT A DENTAL PARLOR. A PRIVATE high-class. up-to-date SANITARY dental of.
fee with sterilized Instruments, and gentlemanly operators. whom you will not be ashamed to recommend to your friends. X-Ray Service Free With Other Dental Work DR. FAIRFIELD TIONS EXAMINA FREE Entire Floor Third 536 So. Broadway Next Hours, 10 8:30 Arcade to Building.
Sun. to TUcker 12. 5236 "Now is the time to plant" FRUIT 1 TREES Grapevines Berry Plants Shrubs Decuduous FRUIT TREES SELECT AVOCADO TREES 4 Good Varieties: Peach Apricot Quince FUERTE-Ripens Jan. to Aug. Plums Nectarine Almond DICKEY A.
-Ripens Feb. to May. Apples Figs Pear MAYOPAN-Ripens March July, 2-year old, selected stock, tree guaran- DICKINSON-Ripens June to Oct. every teed in every way; all 6 to 8-ft. trees.
All two-year-old, select budded trees; 5 to 6 ft. trees. Guaranteed true to name. 75c each; 10 for $6.50. Special, $5.00 Each FIG TREES Strawberry Plants GRAPEVINES Two fine varieties that should Carolina ever bearing strawStrong, well-rooted two year be in every garden: berries, 25 for 35c.
$1.25 per 100 old vines. WHITE KADOTA plants. Muscat, Thompson Seedless BLACK MISSION Corey's Thornless Zinfandel, Mission, Tokay, Red Special! 3-year-old, 8-ft trees; Blackberry Plants Emperor, Cornichon. bear this year, Strong, thrifty roots, each 20c Each 15c will Each $1.00 2-year-old each $2.00 dozen $1.50 dozen FLOWERING PLANTS WALNUT TREES spur, English Daisy, Pansies, Strong Plants from Walnut, the best California Variety, 2-year-old, Snapdragons, Stocks, Lobelia, Verbena, "Placentia Perfection," Soft Shell, English flats. budded trees-10 to 12 ft.
35c $1.75 per 100 plants. SPECIAL, $2.00 each. OPEN SUNDAYS WE DELIVER ALLEN'S NURSERY 8501 Santa Monica HOLLYWOOD Telephone OXford 5904 Corner La Cienega Blvd. DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. aged 60 years, din LARSEN, at his Hans honte, 1.
607 Larson, North Las, Palmas avenue February 13. notice later. Gates, Craze Earl Funeral director P. Lee. late of 16311 LEE.
Winfeld Services street, for will William he held today at 2 P.m from the Mortuary, 842 South Figur FOR street, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fre of 2421 Berkeley avenue. Remains at chapel of Gus Alvarez Morn MARSHALL. February 15, Mrs.
Rena May Mat shall. Remains at the parlors of W. A. rowel Notice of funeral later. MARTIN.
February 15, at 425 South Bonnie Bra Judson William Smith Martin. belored band of Lela Blanch Martin. Remains at Pierce Brothers, 720 West Wash inston street. Notice of funeral later. MATHENSON.
William loving Mathenson. of at 128. George FIll dale, Inglewood, father Mathenson of Inglewood and Lora Clark Ereign Collingwood of Los. Angeles, Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m. fro Arnold Mispagel's funeral chapel.
851 Hyde Park Boulevard. Interment al Rosedal Cemeters. McDONALD. At 2758 West Ninth street. Febri 0 16, Gregor McDonald, aged 74 sears.
Funeral services at Bresee Brothers' chapel 855 Figueroa, Thursday at 8 p.m. MePHERREN. February residence 13. of Sfrs. her Elizabeth E.
Pherren. at the son, Pherren, 3909 Brighton avenue. Remains will be forwarded today from chapel of Edwarde Brothers to Repubile, Ken for services and interment, NASSEY. At Alhambra, Anna K. Nasses, aged VeRTS.
Remains at parlors of F. A. Utter Son Funeral notice later. NILSON. Nila Nilson.
aged 74 yearn, beloved hum band of Mrs. Anna Nilson. and father of Mr. Charlotte Carlson and Mrs. Oscar Matson Los Angeles; Mrs.
Christine Landgren of Fer CUR Falls, Minn. Mrs. Mary Anderson of Medicine Richville, Lake. and Arvid Nilson of Ray Mrs. Emily Lindqute mend.
Mont. Funeral services Friday, February 10, at from the Swedish Baptist Church, corne p.m.. Bixel and West Eleventh streets. W. A.
Brown funeral director, NORDGREN. Maria Norderen. Funeral serstees. Thursday, February 18, p.m., at Las Flores Chapel, 935 West Wash Incion. Norquist Peterson, directors.
NUNN. At San Pedro, Harry Nunn. Remains at chapel of Gus Alraren Moore OTTO. Accidentally, in this elts, Fred Otto, age 65 sears. Remains at parines of E.
Clair Orerholtzn Co. 1236 South Grand. PARMELEE. At 1420 Spruce street. Bouth Para dena, F'ebruary 14, J.
Parmelse, aged years. Funeral at the South Pasadena M. E. Church Wednesday, 2 p.m. Bresee Brothers, directors PEREGRINA.
Angelina Peregrina. Funeral today at 10 a.m. Gus Alvares Moore, directors. RASENER. February 14, at 6615 Willoughby Herman J.
Rasener, Funeral services will be heid Wednesday February 17, at 3 p.m., from the chapel Strother Dayton, 6240 Hollywood Boulevard RIEGELMAN. Remains of Mrs. Julta Riegelma! will be gent today by the Ruppe Mortuary. 84 South Figueroa street. to Milwaukee, Wis.
for services and Interment. ROMERO. The funeral services of Mrs. Mari Romero, beloved mother of Oscar Romero, will be held today at, 10:30 a.m. from the Plaza Church.
Interment, Calvary Cemetery, W. A Brown, funeral director. SCOPELLETO. Mrs. Suste, loving wife of Frank Scopelleto, Funeral today, 10 a.m., from the residence 3452 West Fifty-ninth street.
Interment, Call VArY Cemetery, SILSBEE. At Los Molinos, Thomas HI. Sis bee. Notice of funeral later. W.
A. Brown, fu neral director. SLOAN. The funeral services of Harry F. will be held today at 9:30 a.m.
from St Thomas Catholic Church, corner Mariposa and West Pice streets. Interment, Calvary Camel tery. W. A. Brown, funeral director.
SMITH. At Alhambra, February 11, Edna Sarah Smith, aged 44 years. devoted wife of Johl V. Smith, mother of Gertrude Smith. Funeral.
services will be held from parlor of 1. F. Utter Son. February 16 AL 2 p.m Interment. San Gabriel Cemetery, STEDMAN.
Jasie, aged 32 years, devoted wife Ventee G. Stedman, loving mother of Grace Marie and Jack Stedman; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Congo.
Services today 1:30 p.m. from the parlor of L. F. Utter. 1254 South Broadwas.
STEIGER. Of 5249 Aldama street. Mrs. Hattie Margaret. Steiger, Remains at Cresses.
Requiem mass at St Ignatius Church, Wednesday. 8:15 8,711. STEVENS. February 15, Mrs. Della Stevens, Remains at the parlors of W.
A. Brown Notice of funeral later. SUEPKE. Fred C. Suepke, aged 72 years, Remains in care of Garrett Brothers.
Inter ment. Miles City, Mont. TARBELL. February 10. Fred R.
Tarbell. Remains at the parlors of W. A. Brown. Notice of funeral later.
TUTE. February 14, Patrick, Inring husband Mary. Tute, father of William Patrick Tutel and brother of Delia Tute, Mrs. J. Boren and Mrs.
M. Kelley of St. Louts, aged years, Funeral today al. 7:45 a.m. from chapel Cunningham O'Connor.
1031 South Grand avenue. Requiem high mass at St. Thomas Church at 8:15 a.m. Interment. Calvary Cemetery.
WOLFE. February 15. Wellington aged years, at the Pacific Hospital. Remains at Edwards. Brothers, CARD OF THANKS desire to thank my friends for the expression of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during my recent bereavement of my dear wife.
INO. 935 W. WASHINGTON, 5821, WE. 2788. GARRETT BROTHERS 1237 SOUTH FLOWER 1379-TUcker-1071 Robt.
Sharp Son. MAin 1020. E. C. KOOP-BE.
8355. CEMETERIES FOREST DAWN MEMORIAL PK. Cemetery Unusual' Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory Every form of burial under perpetual care. the Glendale Ave. San Fernando Rd.
BEAUTIFUL HOLLYWOOD Cemetery- Cemetery-Mausoleum-Crematory -Crematory Convenient and Permanent 6000 Santa Monica Boulevard HOlly. 8455. HEmpstead 3830. INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY COLUMBARIUM CREMATORY Outaide Los Angeles City Limita. On Redondo Boulevard.
VALHALLA MEMORIAL AND MAUSOLEUM PARKS "THE MODERN CEMETERY' FOREVER BEAUTIFUL Hollywood Way and Valhalla Drive. Burbank, Cal. Office 630 Pacific Mutual Bldg. Phone TR. 6301.
ROSEDALE CEMETERY Crematory Vault Columbarium 1831 West Washinaton. BE 7658. CEMETERY LOTS FOR Moroortal SALE- Three choice sections in Valhalla Park, six graves each, or sell graves. Sacrifice price, WH. 8011.
separate X-RAY DENTIST NO PAIN Henest Free Advice Examination Guaranteed Gold Pin Teeth SPECIAL PLATE Choice of Rubber' $075 One Gold Crown Crowns; Porcelain and Bridge Gold Work $5 GAS GIVEN $20 Mould Trubite Teeth $12.501 Natural Forms DR. ZIMMERMAN 424 S. Broadway Rooms 803-4 and 5 Phone TUcker 3095 (Times) Open Evenings and Sundays TWO graves. beautifully located, In Cemetery. I'hone BE.
15. will of the late Mra. Effie Gainsley, executed during her last illness 111 IL Santa Monica hospital, was admitted to probate here today. A J. Cody is the principal beneficiary.
The amount involved is approxi-1 mately $80,000. The marked by a sharp contest case WAS point of whether Mra. Gainsley on the sided in 1,08 Angeles remento county. or Sacra- I.